It never ceases to amaze me the wonderful people I find on the internet. The bloggy world is full of them. Folks with amazing stories about overcoming adversity, abuse, or divorce. People who have or are fighting amazing battles with disease, mental disorders or sickness. Very rarely do I come across these stories as they unfold, until now.
There is a lovely blog I follow called My Pixie Dreams, the wonderful mommy of this brood of pixies has just been informed that her barely 16 month old daughter has cancer. So - the blog community is getting together to show some love for this wonderful little family - and I'm joining in the fun.
So - without further ado - Todays Monday Monkey Minute! Please link up and show the love!!!

Now, here is what you should do - first head over to Ian's place and grab the button!
Next - link up on his list, and post using the questions below!
1 – How old do you act? Hmm... I think I pretty much act my age most days, others - I'm WAY older than in reality. Fibromyalgia can do that!
2 – As far back as you can remember, what did you want to be when you grew up? A mom! That was my biggest aspiration as a child, second place was Nurse. I've got seven kids, guess we all know what I got to do!
3 – If you were to write a book based on your life, what would the title be? The Mad Mad Mad World of Magimom
4 – What’s something that you do that’s considered “childish” by most? I get excited over little things, like baby animals and stuff... I am not very good at containing my excitement!
5 – The last question isn’t a question. Write a story of a time of when you or someone you know overcame great adversity.
My mother is my hero in overcoming adversity. She lost my dad just after I turned 13 (three days). Needless to say, she persevered when she felt like crying. She not only cared for me, but for her aging parents as well. She finished her education and started a new career all while doing her job as a wonderful mother and daughter. She taught me how to live, love, and rejoice in life's little things - for that I am eternally grateful!
SO, now go show Michelle some love, link up with the Monday Monkey Minute, and have a Happy Monday!
I so feel for Michelle! I can't even imagine. Thanks for stopping by my blog today! I hope you had a great Mother's Day! I AM 44! had to laugh at that little comment on your profile! :)
Ah 44, such a magical age! HA - I tell the children I'm celebrating my second 21st birthday.
I'm following you from Ian's blog. I agree, I love how we've all come together to help someone we don't know in "real life" but feel as if we do :)
Hello lovely! I'm found you through SITS and am now a follower!
What a very sad sad story!!!! I could NOT even imagine:(
I can't not even imagine. :( Thank you for posting about this so I can send my thoughts and prayers to that beautiful baby girl.
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